Online conference: Prevention of Radicalization through (Religious) Education

Verified in the Netherlands as well as in Indonesia the encounter of adherents of different religious religions should be a source of joy, but very often causes tensions. To explore and discuss more this issue, POKJA Inclusive Religious Education (POKJA-IRE) of the Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium on Muslim-Christian Relationships (NICMCR) proudly invites you to the online conference: “Prevention of Radicalisation through (Religious) Education”.

The conference explores values of humanity and compassion through religious background, versus (violent) extremism driven by political religion. The focus of the conference is on the exploration of models to prevent (violent) extremism through education, with an emphasis on religious education.

Date : Wednesday and Thursday, 23-24 February 2022
Time : 09.45am-12.00 CE | 14.45-17.00 WIB
Link : (Meeting ID: 878 8757 5592, Passcode: pokjaire)

Scholars from Indonesia, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Malaysia will present their ideas on this most urgent topic in both our countries. Therefore, we hope to welcome you to the screen of this online conference and have a great discussion at this event