Got Two Prestigious Achievements, Eid Prizes for UIN Sunan Kalijaga

UIN Sunan Kalijaga has successfully gained two of the most prestigious achievements in the management of reputable international journals and accreditation of study programs. The International Journal “Al-Jami'ah" was able to achieve the Quartile (Q1) predicate of the Scimago Journal Rank (SRJ) Version. In addition, the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Adab and Cultural Sciences, UIN Sunan Kalijaga gained "Excellent'' Accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). This was conveyed by the Chancellor of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Prof. Al-Makin when giving a speech at the Eid al-Fitr celebration which was attended by all interfaith leaders in Indonesia (18/05/2021)
Editor-in-Chief of Al-Jami'ah International Journal, Prof. Ratno Lukito conveyed his racial gratitude for this performance. The new Scopus ranking with Q1 indicates that Al-Jami'ah as an International Journal has been proven to be able to survive in the bona fide Academic International Journal scheme, from 2014 to 2021.
Brief History of the Journal of Al-Jami'ah
Al-Jami'ah Journal is the oldest Islamic studies journal in Southeast Asia, first published in 1962. At the beginning of its publication, this journal had published the writings of various experts in Islamic studies and social and humanities such as H. Abubakar Atjeh, Prof. Mahmoud Shaltut, Drs. Hasbullah Bakry, K.H. Syaifudin Zuhri, and others. There are even writings from speeches of national figures such as Ir. Soekarno, Dr. Soebandrio, and Ruslan Abdul Gani. At that time the Al-Jami'ah Journal was called the Islamic Science Magazine with the editor in chief Drs. Kafrawi with the protector of the Rector Prof. Soenarjo.
In 2009, Jurnal al-Jamiah received a grant from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education for an international scientific journals program. Some of the programs carried out include printing and publishing international journals, creating and managing websites, organizing scientific article workshops for international journals, monitoring and organizing scientific article writing awards.
These activities are aimed at improving the quality of journals that have previously been nationally accredited. This program was then continued by expanding distribution through sending the Al-Jami'ah Journal to various universities and scientific institutions abroad and organizing international conferences.
In 2014, the Scopus indexed Al-Jamiah Journal at Q4 Level which is also the first journal within the Ministry of Religion to be indexed by Scopus and is even the first in Indonesia for the area of social humanities studies. Al-Jami'ah’s ranking continues to increase to Q3 in the humanities field (the year 2016) and Q2 in the field of religious studies (2019). And in 2021, thanks to the hard work and support of all parties, the journal Al-Jami'ah will get the Q1 Scopus level in the area of religious studies with SJR 0.161, said Prof. Ratno Lukito.
Excellent Accreditation Responds to Public Trust
Dr. H. Muhammad Fakhri Husein, SE., M.Sc., the Chairperson of the LPM (Quality Assurance Institute) UIN Sunan Kalijaga explained that the superior accreditation obtained by the English Literature Study Program is an answer to public trust in UIN Sunan Kalijaga. In the future, graduates from UIN Sunan Kalijaga are expected to contribute greatly to the progress of society where people often see the measure of the success of higher education in terms of the progress of its alumni. This is because the progress of alumni in society is one indicator of the success of higher education during the field assessment process to obtain superior accreditation.
The program to prepare study programs to take part in this Excellence Accreditation has been going on since 2019, as many as 21 study programs that received an “A” grade have been prepared to go to Excellent Accreditation.