Webinar: Reading Challenging Texts in the Holy Scriptures, Love and Compassion in The Bible and Qur’an

The 2nd Webinar Series
Did you know?
82.4 million people worldwide, are forcibly displaced at the end of 2020 because of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations, and public order disturbance (data by UNHCR).
While the source of these problems varies, religious misinterpretations of some texts in the Holy Scriptures are fueling some of these conflicts. Hence, understanding and reading these challenging texts are the fundamental step to build harmonious interreligious relationships.
In this regard, The Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium for Muslim-Christian Relations(NICMCR), in collaboration with UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta presents:
The Second Webinar Series: Reading Challenging Texts in the Holy Scriptures, under the subtheme of Love and Compassion in The Bible and Qur’an on
Wednesday, 13th October 2021
1.30 p.m on Jakarta time
8.30 a.m. on Dutch time
Via Zoom Meeting
1. Prof. Dr. Ruard Ganzevoort
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2. Dr. Ahmad Rafiq
UIN Sunan Kalijaga University
3. Drs. Anne Dijk
FAHM Instituut
4. Rev. Dr. Yusak Tridarmanto
Duta Wacana Christian University
Dr. Ge Speelman
Protestantse Theologische Universiteit
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Meeting ID and Passcode will be informed later.
For further information, check: nicmcr.org or io.uin-suka.ac.id