#InovTalk 1 presenting worldwide speakers overflowed with enthusiastic audiences

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Center for Developing Cooperation (CDCIA), UIN Sunan Kalijaga, on Thursday, 5 December 2024, initiated a seminar of #Inovtalk1 on Shaping the future, “Kalijaga Muda Siap Hadapi Panggung Global”. This initiation joins leading institutions, such as Yayasan Cendekia Muda, LPPM UIN Sunan Kalijaga, and Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). The event was overflowing with 216 participants in the theatrical hall of Science and Technology Faculty, coming across faculties in UIN Sunan Kalijaga.

Vice Rector of Cooperation, Dr Abdur Rozaki, warmly opened the forum by appreciating this initiation and wished that the CDCIA would continue to regularly promote such a forum, as he motivated students to take advantage of the forum to develop their needed skills. Speaking on behalf of Yayasan Cendekia Muda, Budi Sugandi, PhD, sees that spreading responsiveness of students to the global geopolitical situation and the advancement of technology are among the principal objectives of this initiation. This current situation needs a more creative response from future generations, including students of UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Thus, he aimed to give us a moment to accelerate our awareness and be part of critical voices toward the current situation.

Meanwhile, Hamdi Putra Ahmad, who just graduated from Oxford University, shared his experience of managing his excellence in today’s academic life. The alumnus of Ilmu Al Quran & Tafsir, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, mentioned that having a dream of pursuing a degree from the best global academic institution needed the most challenging effort. Yet, it is all now possible for everyone to reach. He strived to master English until he got 7.5 IELTS, a requirement of Oxford University.

The first #Inovtalk1 was moderated by Dr Asih Melati, with other speakers emphasising the students’ preparedness for work and professionalism capacity. Dr. Nita Handayani from the Research Department (LPPM) inspired the audience to enhance their skills for the 4.0 industrial revolution, while Edgar Hario Ranudiro from Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) inspired an audience of students that preparing readiness for the corporate work sphere is possible, even for those who graduated from non-economic and its related department. The Talk then concluded with enthusiastic faces of inspired audiences, eager to face their brighter future. *SKD